

Hello Lovelies!

I have something really important to tell you: I made a new blog. As you may know I started THIS blog over here as a simply beauty blog and then decided to add some fashion. Yeah I am not a fashionista at all. And I feel like people don't enjoy them as much as I thought they would.

So we'll just go "back to basics" I guess. This will be an only beauty blog from now on! I don't know how frequently I will post but I still have some posts saved / pre-written for an emergency like this.

Plus I've decided to go 100 % cruelty free when it comes to make up and around 90 to 95% cruelty free when it comes to other beauty stuff like shampoo, conditioner, body lotion etc.

You might as well take a look at my new blog:

I hope you'll understand!

P.S.: Of course I will still show you the "news at artdeco" or essence etc. ! :) That is after all make up and what I enjoy most :)

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